Yep, I'm turning 39. I'm okay about it, but it's kind of weird, too. I can't believe how fast time flies--that's what gets to me. When you're young, time never goes fast enough, then all of a sudden it does a 180 degree turn and it's going way too fast! I've been thinking about this so much lately, and just wanted to jot down some of the things I've personally learned so far in life. Some of you may have already figured this stuff out and that's great. Others may not have learned some of this yet. These are just my personal realizations and I'm kind of writing them as if to my kids. Here goes:
I can change me, but God can do it better
Love really is everything—it allows you to see people how God wants you to see them; you don’t have to like someone or what they do, but you can still love them because they are a child of God (I'm not talking about evil people)
When you are using your gifts and talents in life, life is not wasted and it is more joyful
If we can persevere, things will get better even if it takes longer than we want it to
God needs us at our best physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially so that we are at our optimum to do His work; we are all at different levels of these qualities and we must work with what is given to us; this is tough at times
True beauty really is on the inside, but every woman still wants to feel, look, and be told that she is beautiful on the outside (more than just) once in a while
I am still a romantic; still want to feel, and look like a princess; still want to be swept off my feet by my husband (after 21 years as a couple, and almost 15 years of marriage)—romanced, adored, loved, doors opened for me, my hand held, chair pulled out for me, love letters written, poems written, date nights, snuggled up together on the couch, walking hand in hand, sweet things whispered in my ear
You are never too old to learn new things (for me personally that involves technology—I’m still pretty illiterate, but learning all the time)
One of the reasons we go through specific difficult times is so we can better help another person going through the same thing (it never fails, almost immediately after I’ve gone through a trial, someone else I know comes along going through the same thing and I’m able to help them through it better)
When I think of little girls, I think of sweetness—smiles, dancing, singing; when I think of little boys, I think of physical energy—running, building, conquering
A good cry once in a while makes me feel better and it’s a wonderful way to release any kind of emotion—anger, sadness, happiness, etc.
You can’t change the past, you can only try to make the present and future better
You can’t always control your circumstances, but the way you react to them is your choice
The bible is relevant to today’s world; God is awesome, faithful, and true
I will end with one of my all time favorite verses from the Bible: Jeremiah 29:11-14
For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. I will be found by you,” says the Lord. “I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes. I will gather you out of the nations where I sent you and will bring you home again to your own land.” New Living Translation