
Friday, April 19, 2013

Girl Scout Camp Out

Last weekend was a Girl Scout camp out. Our guys don't consider it a true camp out since we did not sleep in tents, but all of our activities were "real" camping activities. Lauren and I got to the place around 4:00 Friday. We had packed all of our stuff into a suitcase, and then also had to bring some food, lawn chairs, and a griddle.
Once we were there the girls played outside until it was time to gather fire wood and cook hot dogs followed by s'mores over an open fire. None of us moms knew how to build a fire but our leader had brought a book and we followed the directions, and it was successful!
Once it was dark we stayed inside the lodge and the girls played games and sat around talking until about 11:30. By this time all of us moms were wanting to go to sleep so it was lights out, but it did take about 30 minutes for the girls to settle down. Our group slept upstairs in a room with several bunk beds with mattresses. I didn't sleep too badly. I think everyone began waking up around 7:00.
Saturday consisted of introduction to learning about a compass, learning how to tie a knot with their handkerchiefs to make cute little hats, taking a hike, playing at the playground, a nature scavenger hunt, making pizza pita pockets for supper, and then Lauren and I came on home instead of staying the second night.
Starting out on the hike
I had no idea we would come out of the woods and be by the Arkansas River--this was my favorite part of the camping experience
We followed the sign to the o.w.c.--outdoor worship center
A fun hidden area with a labyrinth

The older girl scouts did sleep outside in a tent
I had much more fun doing this with Lauren than I thought I would. The camp was only 20 minutes from our house, but you really did feel like you were isolated from anything that had to do with a city. I am proud to say that I was not one of the moms who was on the phone talking to their husbands at all during this time, and I was pretty impressed with how much I was able to contribute when it came to figuring things out involving cooking and hiking. Now Lauren and I are ready to go on more camp outs with our guys!

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